Maicon Group specialises in delivering Custom Built Homes that represent contemporary style, value for money and exceptional quality.

Whether you are a landowner looking to develop a new custom home, duplex or townhouse on your property, or you are a new homeowner looking to build your dream home, Maicon Group can work with you throughout the life of the project from helping you create a winning design, manage all works and deliver a stunning result.

If you need a builder for home, duplex or townhouse construction that has built a name based on reliability, dedicated customer service and quality workmanship, then we look forward to speaking to you soon to help you realise your new home dreams


With our specialized team Maicon Group should be your first choice for renovations, extensions and additions.

Whether you are extending your house, adding another story, adding a deck or renovating the inside of your house – we have the team, the expertise and a organised system to ensure that your project runs smoothly.

Our goal is to constantly exceed the expectations of our clients in four key areas: – time/cost efficiency, workmanship, safety and client communication we have developed specialised, efficient and cost effective solutions.


We look after a large commercial area in the greater Sydney area including commercial offices, hotels, retail outlets, cafes & restaurants, pubs & clubs, warehouses and factories.

Typical works for commercial and industrial clients range from fit outs, reactive and preventative building maintenance, major rectification works and assessments.

We undertake work directly from the owners or tenants of the property or indirectly through third parties such as facilities maintenance companies or real estate agencies.